Many of us have lived in Melbourne our whole lives, yet we still don't do some of the best and most iconic activities that Melbourne has to offer.
Go see a film at The Astor
The Astor, located on Chapel st, is one of the few single screen cinemas left in the world. Designed to cater for the classic, the new and the unordinary, The Astor regularly shows old cinema classics in their original film format.
Walking into The Astor is like stepping back in time; entering a world where most sessions are the old double-features - two movies back-to-back with a break in the middle.
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Go to the NGV on Friday Night
The NGV is positioned in what seems like a concrete block - and whilst many may turn their nose away from the NGV and the art crowd, on Friday night it turns a little cooler.
On Friday nights at the NGV, DJs, bands, food and many people attend NGV and look at the exhibitions in a more lively way, rather than the library we’ve all come to think of it as.
Do the 1000 steps
Located at Mt Dandenong, this trail is beautiful, but don’t be fooled by your friends’ recently-wiped-dry face selfies - it is hard, but rewarding.
Make sure you go with proper sneakers, a companion, and prepare to soak in the oxygen that comes with it. It will take you around 35 minutes to drive there from the CBD, but it is well worth it. Be sure to try the scones at The 1000 Steps Cafe if you can justify it.
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Head back to Scienceworks
For those who attended school between 1980 and 2000 will be well aware of Scienceworks. Located just over the West Gate Bridge, Scienceworks is a world-renowned science and space museum where patrons can see and explore our solar system or find out more about their own bodies.
Even as adults, you are guaranteed to have some fun - so take a step back into some nostalgic joy!
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Check up on the Queen Victoria Market and eat a donut
The Queen Vic Market is renowned for its huge markets, specifically on weekends. Buy anything from a fresh green apple, to a bunch of kittens, this market has it all.
Jam donuts and banana smoothies are the staple diet here, so having one of these in each hand, will mean you are sure to fit in.