
Amazon launches virtual showroom

6 years ago
1 minutes

Shopping for furniture online is a great way to see a whole range of pieces without leaving your living room. But how about seeing a selection of pieces you’ve chosen in relation to each other?

Amazon has just launched a simple little online tool that lets buyers try out a huge selection of their furniture products in a virtual living space – Amazon Showroom.

Users can start from the ground up, selecting from a range of floor coverings, as well as carpets and rugs of all shapes, sizes and designs.


Looking for a lamp? Add one in. And how about couches, armchairs, coffee tables and side tables? It’s as easy as selecting the item you want to change and swapping it out for something more your taste. Finally, choose what kind of artwork to hang on the wall.

Whilst there’s no way of changing the configuration of the room (or where these furniture pieces sit within it) it’s a simple and effective way of seeing what goes with what. Handy. Users can then buy any or all of the items directly from the showroom visualiser.

It makes it easier to imagine what your chosen combination of items will look like together before you buy.

Admittedly, it doesn’t take long to end up with a miss-matched interior. But then the beauty is, all you have to do is reload the page and start again…