
Best Ways To Make Your Home More Star Wars

9 years ago
2 minutes

With Star Wars premiering world-wide today, it would be unfair for us not to look into the prominence of Star Wars fandom that has infiltrated the home with some incredible Star Wars features, both subtle and bold.

Unfortunately, today, it is usually only one half of a couple that is pro Star Wars breaching the cinema, and into the home; I’m looking at you, men!

So here are the best ways in which Star Wars has infiltrated some of our favourite homes:

1.  Star Wars Wall Decals

Sticking decals on your wall is immature right? WRONG! These Star Wars wall decals can turn any Star Wars fanatics home into the upper-echelon of Star Warians.

Is that a bit too bold? Looking for something more subtle?

2. The R2D2 bin

For those looking to 'sneak' something into the house, the R2D2 bin could almost be pulled off if done correctly. All you have to do is chuck your old bin out, put your new Star Wars one in, and hope that you're partner doesn't find it...


3. Jedi Signs

Some people just know they are jedis - they don't need to be told, they just feel it - so why not bring that belief to your home, where you don't have to hide your lightsaber?


4. The Wing Coffee Table

One of the hardest to pull off, the Wing coffee table serves the purpose of a coffee table, but it has a replica Wing fighter in it - the ultimate coffee table.

5. The Hans Solo Fridge

We all want this fridge - there is no denying - but it is regarded to be almost impossible to pull off - there is no wife, partner or house mate who would allow it.