So you’ve bought yourself a beautiful luxury apartment in one of the many amazing developments on
Now that you are living in luxury, you cant bare to fathom travelling without the same amenities and prestige. More people are now flying than ever before, and whilst the safety and efficiency of air travel has increased, comfort has been reduced to "the greater good...of the airline". So here are’s top travel tips, but be sure to keep these close to your chest.
1. Have your luggage weighed, your outfit on point and your carry-on organised.
If your luggage is weighed correctly, check in or baggage drop will be a breeze. Most airlines will give you the benefit of the doubt if you are a kilogram over - so don’t fret too much. Secondly, if your outfit and carry-on looks the part and is functional for plane travel, then you’re a step ahead. In some countries, and in some states, security procedures vary to the point where shoes need to come off, sweaters need to be removed, and laptops and iPads need to be removed - so wear slip on shoes rather than your multi-lace Christian Dior boots, and have your laptop sitting on top of your carry-on before you even arrive at the airport. You will not only make the seemingly stressful security process easier on yourself, but on others as well.
2. Economy seating has shrunk, but the leg room on flights varies per plane, so do your research!
The distance between seats is around 78-86 centimetres - and in some Jetstar flights the leg room can be even smaller (around 71cm). Planes today are designed to give you more of a recline, with less leg room, and there is generally only one way to get more leg room, and that is to purchase a more expensive ticket, or get upgraded…
2. Get upgraded…
The airline industry has a profit margin so small, that anything, but a full flight, could mean a loss is recorded for the airline. And whilst there is no direct method to getting upgraded, you can do a few things to give you more of a chance.
a) Try to buy a ticket that is flexible, and not a discount fare. By purchasing a full ticket, you will automatically become eligible for a check-in upgrade, as airlines prioritise frequent flyers and full fare passengers. Harriet Bevis, a spokesperson for Virgin Atlantic has gone on record to say: ‘If our airport staff are looking to upgrade passengers on the day of departure there is a process that they follow which generally sees passengers that are frequent flyers of the airline - or those that have paid for a fully flexible ticket - benefitting.”
b) Arrive early (or risk it late)and fly on flights that aren’t preoccupied by likely business-class passengers. If passengers need to be moved around for operational reasons, the airline will most likely implement moving procedures as soon as check in opens. If you are one of the first few passengers to check-in, you could be greeted with the four-best words ever said, YOU, HAVE, BEEN, UPGRADED. Equally, if you arrive late, your economy seat may have been given up. Airlines generally overbook, as they count on multiple people not making their flights, or cancelling last minute - you may receive an upgrade out of necessity.
c) Fly solo - and dress well. Even if you are travelling with your friends, be on separate bookings in order to increase your chance of an upgrade. It is much easier, and highly more likely, for an airline to upgrade one solo ticket holder, than a group of four people. It is also important to dress the part. Airlines use passenger in Business and First classes as a selling point for the tickets - if you are dressing the part, and not wearing your second-best pair of tracksuit pants, then expect your chances to increase - flirting at check-in can never hurt either.
d) Use your frequent flyer points to upgrade, or use Qantas' new 'bid for an upgrade' system.
e) Simply ask for an upgrade at check-in with a smile - but guys, please remember not to give a wink.
3. If you want a business-class ticket, there are online tools to find you the cheapest options.
Have a look at FlyBusinessForLess - they will find you the cheapest flight, and whilst they are very good at getting you on a business flight (sometimes for an economy priced ticket) - it is never guaranteed. It is, however, worth a shot.
4. If you have a long layover in a city, and not interested in leaving the airport, use the Business Class lounges.
If you have a business class ticket, you get included entry into the Business Class lounge - and if you are with a reputable airline, these lounges can be quite amazing. Often equipped with a bar where the drinks are free, as well as hot food for you to eat, you can get on to the high speed internet, have a shower, have a nap, and board your flight relaxed and ready to continue your journey. This is a must.
5. Use Uber or a private car to get you to the airport.
You’ve heard of Uber, but taxi strikes have turned you sour? Don’t let it. Uber offers fixed- rate airport drop off and pick ups. recently compared the fare from Grace Glen Iris to Melbourne Airport, and paid $118 in a taxi, and $85 in an Uber - and we were given bottles of water and mints as we stepped into the Uber car. It is a given so be sure to download the app for your smartphone now.