
The Guide To Doing Your Christmas Shopping Early

9 years ago
3 minutes

If you’re anything like me, you’ll most likely leave your shopping until late - so maybe this year, get it done early!

I once did my Christmas shopping at 1am on Christmas morning - and surprisingly I wasn’t the only one.

If you’re hosting a Christmas event, it can become even harder to manage, so it is imperative to get those minds and bodies moving as quickly as possible.

  1. Know who you are buying for. Write a list, and yes, check it twice, to find out who has been naughty and nice. This may sound elementary, but if you have it written down, you won’t forget, and you will also be able to actively fathom the scale of your Christmas shopping experience. Once you have your list, and you know you haven’t forgotten anyone, then it is time to move on to step 2.
  2. Shopping early, gives you the privilege of being able to use online shopping, and will also put you in a position to be able to suss-out when the Christmas sales begin and end. Just make sure that there is a guaranteed shipping date - the earlier you order, the safer you are. A note to novice online shoppers - if there is a choice to have it express shipped, do it - it will cost you more, but it is little price to pay compared to giving IOU Christmas cards on Christmas morning.
  3. Don’t buy things that may go off, or change between when you buy them and when you give them. This includes, chocolate, sweets, herbs, anything extremely fragile, and of course, pets. Don’t wrap up a gold-fish in a bowl on December 20th, and expect it to be all good come the 25th - I’ve seen it happen before, and it is bad, bad showing.
  4. It is the thought that counts, yes, but do it within your means. If you have a great idea to create a hand-made collage of images of you and your friend that will turn into one giant image of the two of you, please make sure it is both achievable, and also that it can be done in the time-frame. Whilst home-made gifts are nice, one that is rushed and hurried is never the same.
  5. If you’re big into Christmas, have some back-up gifts ready. This is great if you have forgotten about that new boyfriend, or you completely forgot someone come moments before Christmas lunch. Choose gifts that aren’t necessarily gender-specific, and pray and hope that the receiver is enthused!


In the end, Christmas is all about family, no matter what religion you are, or how big or small your Christmas Eve/Day lunch/dinner is. Embrace the holiday period for what it is, a moment to sit back, relax, embrace and reflect.