
Not Small, But Big

9 years ago
3 minutes

Storage is key for apartment living and unfortunately the older generation of apartments weren't built for modern living and so many of us are left with little to no built-in storage. If you've just moved into an apartment that is low on storage here are a few key tips to making your new pad breezy, open and inviting.....

  1. Functional but Beautiful - investing in clever furniture will serve you well in your efforts to create a spacious atmosphere. When out shopping for new furniture, look for pieces that might serve more than one purpose. For example, does the coffee table you're eyeing off have an open top lid so you can stash magazines, unopened mail, catalogues and TV remotes in while not in use? Does your TV Unit have deep drawers for storing DVDs, kid's toys or electronic gadgets? Is there room in your entry way to store a nice wicker basket under your console table to throw your shoes and bags into on your way through the hallway?
  2. Rugs to Zone - People often make the mistake of not placing a rug in their living or dining space in the hopes of keeping the space open and accessible. However, rugs are key pieces to zone and define a space and believe it or not, they actually magically make the room appear larger because they signify exactly where each piece of furniture belongs. The key here is to ensure the front feet of your seated furniture are placed on the rug, rather than neatly arranged around the rug as if they were arranged around a postage stamp. 
  3. Hang Art At Eye Level - It's all about proportions when trying to create the illusion of more space. Hands up who's guilty of hanging art too high on the wall? The ideal level a piece of art should be hung at is 150cm which is the average person's eye level. Centre your piece to 150cm from the floor up. This will make the room feel larger as there is more wall space above the art on display, rather than when art is hung too high and you suddenly feel as though the ceiling is caving in on you. 
  4. Declutter - If you don't use it, don't keep it. Every 3-6 months take a good look around your apartment. What's been sitting in the same spot for the last 6 months gathering dust? It's time to get ruthless and throw away things wasting space. The longer you're in a home, the more likely you are to have collected unnecessary items so fill up your nature strip with the junk you aren't using so someone else has the chance to collect some junk they'll never use either! 

By Emma Blomfield - a source of interior inspiration and design.