
Preparing Your Apartment For The Heat

9 years ago
4 minutes

After a long and cold winter, the wait is finally over. You are now more than ready for Spring and Summer, but is your apartment as ready as you are?

Here are some tips on how to make your apartment well equipped and primed for that sweltering summer heat. 

1. Check your Air Conditioners

Start with the air-conditioner- the lifesaver to your summer! Make sure it is working well and has been inspected for any faults, so that it is prepared for the summer fever. Getting on top of this early is the only way to go- not only will it save you having to do a job in summer, but it will also save you money, instead of having to make that emergency call in the prime time of summer when repairers are busy and expensive! 

2. Ceiling Fans aren't half bad! 

While air-conditioners are a quick and easy way to cool down, don't stress if you don’t have one or want to save some extra cash on energy bills. Ceiling fans are a great way to get air circulation in a room. Be sure to set them to revolve counterclockwise so that the warmer air collected near the ceiling is combined with the lower cooler air, and therefore levelling out the temperate of the room. They’re definitely enough to keep you cool on moderately warm days and nights!

3. Keep that sun out!

If you don’t already have them, get them! Installing shutters and blinds are the only way to keep that stifling sunlight and heat out of your house. By blocking out the sun, this will stop your home from absorbing so much heat and thus your apartment will stay cooler!

4. Smart and Stylish Screen Doors 

If you don’t have screen doors, get them! Screen doors allow you to open up those doors and windows to enjoy that warm summer breeze, without the irritating buzzing sound of mosquito’s. If you do have them, be sure to clean, repair or replace them so they are all set to block out those bugs! 

5. Prevent those bugs from annoying you! 

Stock up your supplies cupboard with bug sprays and citronella candles! Citronella Candles are very effective, reducing mosquito landings by 42%. It is also a safe mosquito repellent as it is non-toxic to humans and animals.

6. Clean out and Stock up the Fridge! 

No doubt, you’ll be using your fridge a lot in the summer time. All those cool drinks and cold fruits need to remain in a clean and fresh environment. Don’t neglect your freezer, as you’ll be needing that for plenty of ice and icy poles for the kids. 

7. Start an indoor garden!

What’s better than creating your own mini indoor garden to give your home a fresher and more summery feel with plants? Nothing.. the best plants are snake plants, spider plants of English Ivy for summer, as they are known as “air-cleaning” plants! This will also add to the aesthetics in your apartment! 

8. Time to get packing! 

Clean and pack away all heavy rugs and blankets- they are definitely no longer needed in the sticky heat! Spruce up your apartment with a more summery vibe, add some colour cushions, fresh cut flowers and vibrant paintings! It’s also that time of year to ditch the winter long sleeves and heavy jumpers and replace them with those bathing suits, loose sun dresses, and comfy flip flops. 

Invest in some vacuum storage bags for your blankets and clothes. Vacuum bags compress any content by rolling out the air- the absence of this air reduces the space taken up and also protect your clothes! They’re a reusable, practical and economical feature option to storage. 

9. Lighter Linen

Get rid of those warm flannel sheets and heavy doona covers and replace these with beautiful soft and light linen sheets! Stick with the lighter colours for a fresh summer feel. One thin cover is more than enough to keep your body at a good temperature during the warm summer nights!

10. BBQ Time Baby! 

Does your balcony need some sprucing up? Why not get a BBQ? Barbecue’s are the perfect way to attract guests to come over for some snags and a catch up! They are easy to cook up a storm on a hot night, without making a mess. Add some chairs, a small table and some plants to your balcony and you are set to go!