Meet your newest, latest, and greatest Royal developer...it may shock you.
Prince Charles, yes the (eventual) heir to the British Crown, has taken a liking to property development.
Earlier this month, a development, named Tregunnel Hill, consisting of townhouses in an area of rural England, was launched and will be built on the Duchy of Cornwall’s private land in the South-West of England.
Designed to represent a village of the mid-1700s, the internals and mod-cons of each townhouse will included all the latest up-to-date technological living necessities.
The ‘Main Street’ is replicated after the famous road in Malborough which is renowned for its wide cobble streets.
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Prince Charles, a recognised critic of modernist architectural trends, believing they are fads and a distaste to the functions of a building, has put an emphasis on open rooms, high ceilings, green and colourful gardens and a sense of community.
This private estate, which was established in 1337, funds the public, charitable and private activities of the Prince of Wales and his family, is equipped with rivers idealised for rowing, and canals for punting (much like Oxford and Cambridge).
Tim Gray, the Duchy of Cornwall's estate surveyor, the man responsible for the delivery of the Tregunnel project, says "it has been a long time in the planning and in making sure that we can deliver all the community dividends that arise from this form of development”.
"We used local materials and skills to meet local needs," he said. "I am thrilled that 90 per cent of the buyers so far have been local people, and that the quarries producing the lovely Trevillet slate [used on the roofs], and de Lank granite [used as roadside guttering], have been able to strengthen their businesses and invest in the future as a result".
The pricing starts at around $570,000aud (£295,000) for a 3-bedroom townhouse with a garden and garage.