We all know how children can use their imaginations to transform furniture in their rooms to be all manner of fantastical things. But Spanish architects P-M-A-A have gone one better by creating what might be the most versatile furniture set seen in any child’s bedroom.
The commission, for an apartment in Barcelona, was to create a room that evolves. Instead, P-M-A-A created a collection of striking objects that are more like pieces of art than furniture. As they explain, “The commission of creating a room that evolves — or even transforms — over time led us to think of four pieces.”
With the fitting and totally child-friendly name of Circus, the four pieces of the furniture set are a timber platform, a red staircase, a mirrored wardrobe, and a set of triangular cushions. These components push together into a cube which takes up 4sqm of what is, admittedly, a generous-sized room for a child.
The concept means the layout of the child’s room can be constantly changed, with each element being fitted with wheels to allow for easy movement.
The movability of the furniture enables the room to be rearranged in almost limitless ways. In fact, as P-M-A-A’s site describes, “The position of the pieces in the space results in a collection of rooms. Two of them, joined, form a 2×2 m surface occupied by a bed and a bedside table. The third one provides access to the bed and the last one is a cushion where you can lie down to read.”
Visually, one of the appealing qualities of the set is that each has its own colour and texture, as P-M-A-A explains: “Each one of the pieces is different in appearance, with the aim of pairing them with other objects, without the need to establish a direct connection amongst the set.”
The stairs are hollow underneath, providing a perfect hideaway or place to snuggle down with some of the huge triangular cushions.
Alternately, need furniture? Why not download it. Read more here.
Photographs: José Hevia
Source: P-M-A-A