At Forza, we work exclusively with wealthy, sophisticated investors, providing them with the best property investments possible based on their risk and return appetite.
At Forza, we work exclusively with wealthy, sophisticated investors, providing them with the best property investments possible based on their risk and return appetite.
There are no “current” investments at Forza. We only offer investments when suitable opportunities arise. Sometimes that means there can be substantial periods between investments while we scour the markets. But that is the value of patience.
Our skin is always in the game.
We only recommend investments that we’re prepared to back ourselves. For us to get paid well, the investment has to pay well. This means we think like investors, not fund managers.
We’re only happy when you’re happy.
Our relationships with our clients are just as important to us as the money we make for them. It’s why we always act in our clients’ best interests and always deliver what we promise.
What we know is where we grow.
All we know is property. And we often see what others don’t. We spend our days sifting through transactions looking for the disconnect between actual and perceived risk that creates opportunity.