![Marque, Rockdale](https://cdn.apartmentdevelopments.com.au/marque-rockdale/file/thumbnail/thumb-602-608_princesshwy_rockdale_view01_street_dusk_final-3-cmyk_1731370960__original.png?format=webp)
Marque, Rockdale
Princeton’s development strategy focusses on the curation of unique residential assets situated in high demand, high-amenity locations in Sydney. We harness our team’s diverse direct development experience in taking projects from concept through to delivery and settlement, to produce some of Sydney’s most enviable developments. Princeton collaborates with industry leading designers, consultants, and builders to capture the essence of the area in which the development lies, ensuring a sustainable legacy that will stand the test of time. Through its development arm, Princeton is committed to fostering the long-term economic, social, and environmental well-being of the communities it’s active in, prioritising sustainable practices that honour both present-day needs and future prosperity.