Watersun is a Melbourne-based property company, first established in 1996.
Watersun is a Melbourne-based property company, first established in 1996. Originally a builder of residential housing, Watersun has expanded considerably to encompass construction of a wide range of built form, and has also become a developer in its own right. Today Watersun builds approximately 500 homes each year, a combination of detached housing, townhouses and units and custom homes.
The primary expertise of Watersun is the development and construction of diverse projects from house and land packages in Melbourne’s outer suburbs to inner suburban townhouses, large apartment developments and diverse commercial projects. Watersun is also building significant residential and commercial projects across regional Victoria.
Although focused on construction and development, Watersun has chosen not to specialise in one stream exclusively, but has developed numerous areas of competency. This strengthens the Company’s position, with a diverse portfolio of activities able to be resourced according to fluctuating market conditions.