Windsor Park
William D Bowness founded Wilbow Corporation in 1976, which grew to be one of Australia’s largest privately owned property development companies, with interests in Melbourne, Brisbane, Dallas (USA) and Auckland (NZ). Wilbow Corporation undertook a broad range of developments, including residential subdivisions, medium density housing, high density apartments, retail shopping centres, commercial office buildings, industrial office parks and retirement facilities. The success of the Wilbow business and high regard it was held in was demonstrated by the numerous development industry awards its projects received. The Australian interests were sold to a major public company in 2006 and the NZ office closed in 2005. Wilbow’s USA property operations have been retained.
Following the sale of the Australian interests, Wilbow Group was formed to be an investment company that focuses on its USA property interests, private equity, listed equities and property development funding. Philanthropy and the arts continue to be an important part of the Wilbow philosophy.