
Industry Leader Series – with Tim Storey at Colliers International

Industry Leaders
4 years ago
1 minutes

Apartments & Developments are pleased to present our interview with Tim Storey – the latest instalment of our Industry Leaders Series.

Tim Storey is the Managing Director at Colliers International Melbourne Residential. Tim and his team works with an extensive clientele of local and international developers across the three specialised divisions – Project Marketing, Development Site Sales and Land Site Sales. These three respective divisions work concurrently enabling the business to extend their reach and market penetration across the Melbourne Residential. 

In this video, Tim shares his advice on how industry professionals and engaged buyers can navigate the current property market. Tim draws from his years of experience, including overseeing the sales of 9,000 properties with a gross realisation in excess of $5 billion in the past 2 years alone.

When addressing current market conditions, Tim suggests we consider the quote by Warren Buffett – “Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when other are fearful”

For more market insights and Industry Leader Series interviews, click here. 

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