
Heritage A Priority

Market Insights
9 years ago
1 minutes

Influential author and social historian, Professor Stuart Macintyre AO, has been appointed the new Chair of the Heritage Council of Australia.

Minister for Planning Richard Wynne announced the appointment of 11 new members and alternates for the state’s peak heritage body, returning it to full strength after the previous Liberal Planning Minister left several roles vacant.

Other new members include historian member Professor Andrew May and alternate Garrie Hutchinson, property management member Lindsay Merritt and alternate Leigh Mackay, planning law member Juliette Halliday and alternate Patrick Doyle, engineering construction member Paul Coffey, heritage and conservation architect alternate Louise Honman, and general member alternates Penelope Martyn, Lucinda Peterson and Jennifer Moles.

Mr Wynne said the new members will bolster the strength of the Heritage Council with their decades of experience across development, history, archaeology, property and legal professions.

"The Council has been returned to full strength, to give the Government the best advice when it comes to protecting our heritage.”

“The Heritage Council helps to protect our cultural heritage, for all of the community to enjoy now and into the future.”

“We’re getting on with developing our state and creating jobs. The strengthened Council will ensure that we preserve our history as we get Victoria back to work.” 

The Council decides which places and objects are protected under the Victorian Heritage Register and hears appeals on heritage permit applications.

Their work also involves advising the Minister for Planning on heritage protection and conservation, and providing research and advice to government departments, agencies and councils to ensure significant places and objects are protected.

Mr Wynne thanked the retiring councillors for their valuable service and said returning to full strength would give the Heritage Council greater flexibility and efficiency.