Following further restrictions put in place by Communications Minister, Malcolm Turnbull, TPG Telecom has been forced to stop selling their super-fast internet until further action is implemented.
Effectively, following the slow, but steady, roll-out of NBN to Australian homes, off-the-plan apartments are receiving the NBN first. Currently it is set up as fibre-to-the-basement (FTTB) in which fibre optic cabling is linked to apartments before it uses the copper wirign to connect everyone else - thus, allowing those on BNB to receive and deliver broadband speeds of up to 100 megabytes per second.
TPG's new service was available last year, despite its clear competition for the Coalition's NBN, with reports consistently and constantly stating that TPG's fibre-optic broadband could damage the NBN's business case and would cost the Government, and tax-payers, more money to establish their connection.
Seemingly, the NBN Co will be forced to leave city-dwellers, and stick to more rural areas who want to be connected - TPG is making a direct target of urban areas, leaving little to spare.
On December 14, Turnbull insituted tough restrictions that effectively made it "extremely difficult" for broadband networks to compete with the Coalition's NBN.
“On 14 December, 2014, we were advised of a regulation that precludes us from selling our FTTB products after 1 January 2015 unless we have taken certain steps,” TPG said in a statement on its website. “There has been insufficient time to complete those steps before 1 January so until we complete the required changes we are required to remove our FTTB products from sale.”