
A Sky Rail To Influence Australia

Market Insights
9 years ago
2 minutes

The ugly rail line that divides Noble Park will become new open community space under plans to remove the dangerous and congested level crossings at Corrigan, Heatherton and Chandler Roads in Noble Park.

The Andrews Labor Government yesterday released designs for the $1.6 billion project to remove every level crossing between the Caulfield and Dandenong.

Minister for Public Transport, Jacinta Allan today visited Noble Park train station, which will be completely rebuilt as part of the work, bringing it closer to Heatherton Road and integrating it into the Douglas Street activity centre.

 “Not only will we get rid of the dangerous, congested crossings at Corrigan, Heatherton and Chandler Roads, we’ll deliver a brand new Noble Park Station and a huge new community space.”

“Whether you’re in your car, on the train or walking to the shops, the Andrews Labor Government is making it safer, quicker and easier to get around.”

A 2.7 kilometre modern, elevated rail line will be built over Corrigan, Heatherton and Chandler Roads, creating huge amounts of community open space for new parks, playgrounds, sporting facilities, car parking and a range of other uses that will be chosen by locals.

The project creates a new road linking Ian Street and Leonard Avenue, further reducing local traffic congestion and creating a new road connection across the tracks.

Expert acoustic modelling shows the modern elevated design will reduce rail noise at the street level.  It will also spare train passengers and drivers years of disruption during construction, as the majority of the work can be completed with trains and roads running normally.

“This tired and ugly rail corridor will become one of Melbourne’s largest community open spaces, with room for parks, playgrounds, netball courts and thousands of new car parks. I look forward to taking my kids to enjoy this brand new and beautiful open space," said Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews.

Community consultation has been ongoing since April, with more than 1,500 pieces of feedback informing the designs released today.

The next phase of consultation has begun, with the project team out speaking to thousands of locals about the designs, and giving the community a say on what they want to use their new open space for.

The Caulfield to Dandenong package will create more than 2,000 jobs and be delivered by a consortium including CPB Contractors and Lend Lease. Construction will begin this year, and be completed in 2018.

To see the designs and to have your say about the new open space, visit www.levelcrossings.vic.gov.au.