
Sold out Norfolk development garners public praise

Market Insights
2 years ago
2 minutes

Norfolk is situated in sunny Burleigh Heads, and has been catching the attention of local residents and social media users. The reaction to this unique Goodwin Terrace development has been overwhelmingly positive. In perhaps the most clear sign of success, all 15 apartments in the building sold out before the development had even been completed. 

Koichi Takada Architects designed this 10-story apartment block with the local environment very much in mind. Takada has said that “The sculptural facade references the inner workings of the Norfolk pine, which is a natural icon in the Gold Coast region”.  

Norfolk is poised in the heart of Burleigh Heads.

Takada has cleverly taken inspiration from the way the Norfolk pine cone works, with overlapping curves and linear screening incorporated into the building.

Not only is the architectural design creative and captivating, but the curves have also been calculated to protect the residents of the building from the elements. Slatted screens for filtering in sunshine, light and air have been incorporated into the design of this cutting-edge building. Balcony slabs also provide shade to the outdoor spaces below them, and the sliding slatted screens can be altered to provide privacy and protection from the elements. The curved battens from the central spine of the building provide openings to panoramic ocean views, allowing residents to fully experience a connection between their home and the environment. 

Norfolk features Oceanfront views encompassing beach, skyline and headland.

“Just like their pine cones protect its seeds from bad weather and open when in ideal natural settings, Norfolk’s architecture reacts to conditions for the people living there”, Takada has explained. 

Takada’s main focus as an architect is creating buildings that connect to nature and the urban environment. He has said that Norfolk is “a very sculptural response to a particular setting” and that it is specific to its setting in Burleigh Heads. 

Norfolk includes 15 custom three and four bedroom residences. 

Koichi Takada has a number of projects in the works around Australia at the moment, including KOYO in New South Wales and Crown Group’s recently announced Artis development. 


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